dangers of coal mining


EFFECTS ON THE HEALTH OF ADULTS Longterm exposure to air pollution from coal mining leads to increasingly serious lung diseases, such as chronic pulmonary obstructive disease, fibrosis and lung cancer. There will also be increased .


Assessment of Coal Mining Effects on Soil Quality in ...

Though, past efforts in coal mining in Nigeria have been hampered by environmental concerns about the effects of open cast coal mining. The current economic diversifiion plans of Nigeria government is predominantly on improving agriculture and mining of solid minerals. However, mining activities in the study


The Social and Environmental Consequences of Coal Mining ...

effects of coal fired power stations with inadequate pollution control, and coal miners suffering the effects of silicosis, tuberculosis and other occupational diseases. Coal mining in South Africa It was mining that gave South Africa its current shape through processes from the 1880s to 1910.


Interview: The Dangers of Opposing Mining in South Africa ...

 · Mines need millions of liters of water to wash coal. I remember one case where, during a drought, the community said the coal mine .


Coal Mining Dangers: Safety Measures to Prevent Disaster

Coal Mining Dangers: Required Safety Measures to Prevent Disaster The most serious danger to a coal miner underground is methane gas – the natural byproduct of mining coal. There are very specific safety measures that the Federal and State government require to protect miners.


Coal Ash Hazardous to Human Health

Coal ash recycling poses health risks, especially where the ash is exposed to water: for example when sprinkled as cinders on snowy roads, spread as agricultural fertilizer, or used as a landfill or to fill abandoned mines .



One of the many dangers with coal mining is being caved in. A cave is when miners are trapped in the mine. This happens when... When the walls and ceilings of underground mine shafts have not been properly secured. As a result of subsidence. If a mine shafts excavated too deeply, cracks can occur in the floor and walls of the shaft weakening ...


Coal mining impact on the environment and the dangers that ...

Coal mining comes with many safety hazards and risks and creates many serious issues within the coal mine and to those working directly in the midst of it all but more devastating effects actually occur to the areas, communities, and settlements that surround coal mines.


4 Coal Mining and Processing | Coal: Research and ...

 · The risks associated with mining coal seams adjacent to previously minedout seams, with their actual or potential void spaces, emphasize the need for accurate, comprehensive, and readily available mine maps showing the distribution of older mine workings. Exploration and Mining.


Harmful Effects of Using Coal on Human Health

 · Some of the negative health effects of coal that occur through its mining, preparation, combustion, waste storage, and transport are such as: Reduction in life expectancy. Respiratory hospital admissions. Black lung from coal dust. Congestive heart failure. Nonfatal cancer, osteroporosia, ataxia, renal dysfunction.


How does structure effects on coal seam and its mining?

 · The effects on coalbearing sediments are frequently seen in the form of slumping and loading structures, and liquifaction effects, with the latter being characterized by the disruption of bedding laminae and the injection of sediment into the layer above and below. Under such loading effects, coal may be squeezed into over lying strata and the ...



iron ore mine and a coal mine and the hazards were identified and risk analysis was carried out. The different activities were divided in to high, medium and low depending upon their consequences and likelihood. The high risks activities have been marked in red colour are


14 Advantages and Disadvantages of Coal –

 · Coal is a fossil fuel, extracted through mining, and it is cheap and easy to use. On the other hand, burning coal can also have significant consequences to local and global environments. Is coal a power resource that we should still .


145+ Brilliant Coal Mining Safety Slogans

Coal mine safety is a broad term referring to the practice of controlling and managing a wide range of hazards associated with the life cycle of coal miningrelated activities. Coal mine safety practice involves the implementation of recognized hazard controls and/or reduction of risks associated with mining activities to legally, socially, and morally acceptable levels.


Hidden Dangers of Coal

 · Hidden Dangers of Coal Published by MAC on . Hidden Dangers of Coal. By the International Campaign for Ecological Justice in Indonesia, based in the UK (Down to Earth) 15 Nov 2005. States from around the world last week congregated to discuss the "challenges" of increased global carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emmissions.


Health and environmental impact of the coal industry ...

Dangers to miners. Historically, coal mining has been a very dangerous activity, and the list of historical coal mining disasters is long. The principal hazards are mine wall failures and vehicle collisions; underground mining hazards include suffoion, gas .


Negative Effects of Coal Mining

Health Hazards: Coal dust inhalation can cause black lung disease. Miners and those who live in nearby towns are the most affected. Cardiopulmonary disease, hypertension, COPD, and kidney disease are found in higher than normal rates in people who live near coal mines. Displacement of Communities: All of these negative effects force people to ...


Health Disparities of Coal Miners and Coal Mining Communities

public awareness of the occupational health risks coal miners face and caused the world to examine what is being done to protect these workers. The number of coal miningrelatedfatalities in China is estimated to be as high as annually (International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions. 2010).
